Problem with totals

I have a problem that I am trying to solve and I hope I can explain well.

I have a report with one tab where the report has breaks on Zones and the break is set to start on a new page.

Assuming there are two zones, the report now has two pages.

Zone, Center are defined as details. Actuals, Obj and % are measures.

Zone 1 has 10 Centers and Zone 2 has 8 Centers. Each Center has a goal for a month and what tha actual amount was for the month. So the report now has a Five Columns. ZOne, Center Name, Actual amount and Goal amount. And a final column which is % of Actual and Goal which I calculated. There is a footer for the break which adds up the actuals for the center, the goal for the center and calculates the % of these totals. Thing here is some centers may not have a Goal. In this case I am not supposed to count them for actuals as well. So the footer of the break for actuals will have only those centers which have a goal. So I created a variable and set it to 0 if Objective is 0 and set it to actual if Objective is not 0 and do the sum of it and I get the total at the footer and works fine.

The problem I have is this. I need to create another tab which shows only the totals. So the report will have to have Zone, Actual Total, Goal Total and % of these totals. Since I am not showing Center Name on the report , the totals that I am bringing in includes those that have no goal also. If I include the Center name then this tab becomes like the other one. I tried to fold the table but I get an extra row after each one. Any suggestions on how I cna get this done.

Sorry for being so elaborate. Thought I better be clear than not.


ddsrini (BOB member since 2004-06-23)


It is possible to have the column in your table, put a filter on it (eg. =not isnull() and then hide the column using the pivot tab in the format table window.

Hope I understood your problem :lol: ,

HenkK :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-03-02)


Try hiding the object in the table. (Format Table, Pivot. Then select the object and mark it as HIDDEN).

Hope this helps.


Grantie :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-01)

Hi HenkK and Grantie
THanks for the suggestions. I tried that but still does not work. I still get multiple rows for each zone. I am trying to see if I can access a value that is in one tab in another.

Since I have to totals in one tab I want to see if I can bring that value into the other tab. Either by macros or anyway.


ddsrini (BOB member since 2004-06-23)

Try duplicating one of your tables.
Take your filter off zone and now format the break to fold and you should be nearly there.

Hello Mark
God Bless you. It worked. After I did it, I felt like I tried it many times before. But apparently I have missed something while I was doing that. Anyway thanks so much everyone.


ddsrini (BOB member since 2004-06-23)