I have a problem that I am trying to solve and I hope I can explain well.
I have a report with one tab where the report has breaks on Zones and the break is set to start on a new page.
Assuming there are two zones, the report now has two pages.
Zone, Center are defined as details. Actuals, Obj and % are measures.
Zone 1 has 10 Centers and Zone 2 has 8 Centers. Each Center has a goal for a month and what tha actual amount was for the month. So the report now has a Five Columns. ZOne, Center Name, Actual amount and Goal amount. And a final column which is % of Actual and Goal which I calculated. There is a footer for the break which adds up the actuals for the center, the goal for the center and calculates the % of these totals. Thing here is some centers may not have a Goal. In this case I am not supposed to count them for actuals as well. So the footer of the break for actuals will have only those centers which have a goal. So I created a variable and set it to 0 if Objective is 0 and set it to actual if Objective is not 0 and do the sum of it and I get the total at the footer and works fine.
The problem I have is this. I need to create another tab which shows only the totals. So the report will have to have Zone, Actual Total, Goal Total and % of these totals. Since I am not showing Center Name on the report , the totals that I am bringing in includes those that have no goal also. If I include the Center name then this tab becomes like the other one. I tried to fold the table but I get an extra row after each one. Any suggestions on how I cna get this done.
Sorry for being so elaborate. Thought I better be clear than not.
ddsrini (BOB member since 2004-06-23)