Problem with multivalue error


I have got two queries which are merged on an Account ID. Both queries return mutliple dates for each account and what I would like to do is to show all dates from the second query which also exist in the first query for each account. I should mention that both queries pull data from the same source.

For example:

Query 1

Account Date1

1234 01/01/2013
1234 02/01/2013
1234 03/01/2013

Query 2

Account Date2
1234 01/01/2013
1234 03/01/2013

Desired Result

Account Date1 Date2

1234 01/01/2013 01/01/2013
1234 02/01/2013
1234 03/01/2013 03/01/2013

Instead I get this

Account Date1 Date2

1234 01/01/2013 Multivalue Error
1234 02/01/2013 Multivalue Error
1234 03/01/2013 Multivalue Error

I want to keep both queries separate as there is already lots of code in the first query and I don’t want to make it any bigger or to run any longer.

Anyone knows how to make it work?

Rafal (BOB member since 2013-12-23)

you also need to merge on date

erik.stenson :us: (BOB member since 2012-07-30)