In a message dated 00-01-25 17:38:31 EST, you write:
I need your advice on the following issue:- The user should be prompted to enter year and month. The report should display the revenue for the past 12 months from the month year entered.
What database are you using?
If Oracle, you could build a prompt that looks something like this:
months_between(trunc(some_database_date,‘MM’), to_date(@prompt(‘Enter year YYYY’,‘N’,) || @prompt(‘Enter Month MM’,‘N’,) || ‘01’ ,‘YYYYMMDD’) between -12 and 0
The months_between calculation returns the number of months between two dates. The trunc(some_database_date,‘MM’) returns the first day of the month that includes “some_database_date”. The prompt for year and month is concatenated into a string and then converted into a date for use in the months_between function.
If the database date is this month, then the months_between returns zero.
If the database date is last month, then the months_between returns -1.
If the database date is next month, then the months_between returns +1.
By using a range from -12 to 0 you should be able to return the prior 12 months.
Note: by using -12 to 0, the prompted month is included. If you want strictly the prior 12 months use -12 to -1. If you want the prior 11 months and the prompted month use -11 to 0 to get a true 12 month range.
Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)