Printing barcodes

Does anyone have any experience using Business Objects 4.x to print barcodes on a document? I’ve discussed several possible solutions with Bus Obj support, but I’d like to know if anyone has actually done it, and if so, how. These would be variable barcodes, for example, each page of the document would have the barcode of the part number on it.


============================================== Larry Rosenblum, Saama Technologies, Inc. 6203 San Ignacio Ave. Suite 115
San Jose CA 95119

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

The easiest way is to get a TrueType barcode font, and have a field set with that font type.

Hayden Gill
The University of Queensland

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

In a message dated 98-06-30 02:51:34 EDT, you write:

Does anyone have any experience using Business Objects 4.x to print
barcodes on a document? I’ve discussed several possible solutions with Bus Obj support, but I’d like to know if anyone has actually done it, and if so, how. These would be variable barcodes, for example, each page of the document would have the barcode of the part number on it.


============================================== Larry Rosenblum, Saama Technologies, Inc.


I have not looked in to this in quite a while, but I seem to recall that you could actually use a font that generated barcodes. In other words, instead of graphically printing lines and bars you would print 123-456 in the “bar code” font. This should work just fine in BusObj as well. The whole issue becomes whether the font is installed on the workstation, not whether BusObj can somehow format a value into a bar-code.

Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions See you in Orlando in '98!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)