I was just looking at the pre-conference training for this year (http://www.businessobjectsevents.com/userconference04/index.cfm?action=training), and can’t say I’m overwhelmed by any of the options, especially since we’re not a Crystal shop (yet!). Has anyone been through variations on any of the classes, or have the sense that any should be particularly good?
Thanks for posting the link. There sure are a lot of Crystal courses. I wonder if a lot more of the sessions will revolve around Crystal topics, too? I really hope not
I think they are trying to get more Crystal users to go to the conference. I read somewhere that Business Objects will not be sponsoring the next Crystal Users Group Conference. This group usually have a conference every year in May and next year without a sponsor they won’t be able to have a conference. I think they are pushing for one big conference.
Sounds like a good reason to make your reservation early. I wonder what sort of attendance they get at the Crystal conferences? If some percentage of those people join us in Dallas they may run out of hotel rooms at the conference site. The Gaylord Texas website says they have 1,511 rooms.
I signed up for one of the Crystal courses (Crystal Enterprise: From the Group Up) since the last time I used Crystal heavily was circa 1995. Time to update my knowledge.
That course runs till noon and then I’ll be at the brunch after that.