Portrait vs. Landscape glitch

We are running BusinessObjects 4.1.3 against Oracle 8 database, with SQLnet 2.3.4. The problem is a glitch where reports that are formatted in landscape show up (and print out) as portrait reports, cutting off margins, or occassionally print on landscape paper, but only to the margins of a portrait report. I have tried upgrading to 4.1.5 with Customer Service Patch 79, but the same problem happens. This happened a while ago and seemed to go away on its own after a few weeks, but it’s popped up again and we don’t have that kind of time. We’ve been unable to get 5.0.1 to run reliably, so we can’t just go to version 5. Any suggestions?

-Ryan Kriger

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Are you passing reports between the PC and Unix versions of Business Objects? If so, this process manages to reset all page format settings specified in the PC environment. You have to set the orientation/paper size again in the Unix version before passing it back to the PC.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)