BusinessObjects Board

Please Guide Me "WEBI"

hi frens am new to this forum …and really impressed by the responses …given to me by the moderators …in my previous post …

Well i m new to the WEBI and i want to learn some of its bacic topics like

                 1.What is WEBI?
                 2.Whats the usage ..means why do we use it ?
                 3.How to create the objects of WEBI in [b]ASP[/b] ? 
                 4.Various methods  in WEBI  etc etc 

I am looking for the working knowledge of “WEBI”. But not getting it in Internet …Please help me out…

shashank_need (BOB member since 2007-03-13)

  1. WebI for WebIntelligence is a 3-tiers reporting tool. It offers approximatively the same functionnality than BO full client tool : create univers based queries, refresh it, schedule and retrieve jobs.

  2. if you don’t know why to use this tools, I will not able to know myself :wink:

  3. I can’t understand your question. WebIntelligence can use both ASP and JSP technologie depending of the platform and the HTTP / App server but the functionnality it offers are quite the same.

  4. ?? As I said in my previous post, I suggest you to be trained on WebIntelligence or obtain a login in order to discover the possibility of the tool. But maybe could you tell us more about you and the use you must do of Webi… Are you It guy ? End user ? student ?


bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

HI bernard
First of all thanks a lot for your reply .
am an IT rookie , and want to understand the code and syntax which are used for creating the objects of WEBI using ASP .As I know ASP not JSP,i would like to have answers in ASP language :stuck_out_tongue: .
my query is as follow.
First of all the object referring to WEBI (lts name it as objwebi) is created in global.asa .
There are commands like objwebi.Isrunning (it must be to check whether webi is running …and returns BOOLEAN …if am not wrong )…
Hey can you please send me some documentaions or sites which can help

shashank_need (BOB member since 2007-03-13)

Dont cross post.
You already asked same thing here and there is a link to documentation also


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)