Pie chart problem


Let me explain to u my problem. I have a table with User name, Nb. of sessions and percentage of users. I have applied a rank on the user name which will return top 10 users based on the number of sessions.

I have to display a pie chart displaying the top 10 users and their percentage. The percentage displayed by table and that of pie chart does not correspond at all. I have tried turn to chart and also build the pie chart. Same prb!!!

Can u please help me?

shamnaz (BOB member since 2004-04-21)

Hi Shamnaz,

You should be able to do this without any problem. Note that if you have two separate tables in your report that they are in fact separate, so when one is ranked it does not affect the other table (which is your pie chart). Just click on your dimension in your pie chart and then click Format à Ranking and set your ranking as you have in your table.

Good Luck

Joe Szabo :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-19)

Thks 4 ur reply!!!

In fact, even the ranking was good!

The solution is simple as abcd…Just have to choose show value instead of show percentage for the pie chart label n it works :oops: .

Have a nice day…

shamnaz (BOB member since 2004-04-21)