BusinessObjects Board

Page Setup - Object Position and Alignment

I have 6 sets of data that I would like to display on 1 report. The data includes a graph with a detail table below. The size of the detail table will vary. I would like to display it as shown below

Graph Graph Graph
Table Table Table

Graph Graph Graph
Table Table Table

With the length of the tables variable, how do I ensure the alignment of the 2nd line set? I know I can set up relative alignment but I will never know in advance which table to set the relationship to. Each graph/table combination has a different filter assigned

First thing, make sure you are assigning names to your graphs and tables. I recommend something descriptive, not like my example below. :roll_eyes:

For example:

Graph1 Graph2 Graph3
Table1 Table2 Table3

Graph4 Graph5 Graph6
Table4 Table5 Table6

With this arrangement, you can do a relative alignment for Graph2 and Table2 to the right edge of Table1. This assumes that Table1 will always be wider than Graph1.
Similarly, you would do a relative alignment for Graph3 and Table3 to the right edge of Table2.
You would do the same thing on the second set of graphs and tables.
This will line things up horizontally.

To line then up vertically you would make Graph5 and Table5 relative to Table1.
The problem would be if Table4 is wider than Table1. I don’t think you can make the alignment options look at more than one other object.

Thank you I have the first line graph/table all set. What I am not seeing however is how to set the second set so they they all stay on the same horizontal line. I can set it up where the top of Graph 4 aligns with the bottom of of Table 1 and then the top edges of 5 with the top edges of 4 but if table 2 has more data than table 1 it will overlap graph 5

How about if you create a section for the top set of graphs? Then it can be set to grow with any tables that may have extra lines. This will cause the bottom set of graphs to always be below them.


The below blog is exactly what you’re looking for, your scenario is different compared (my requirement had the 2nd table with one cell having wrapped text). You’ll need to measure the height of 3 tables in the top line set, and find which of those 3 has the most number of rows. Have fun!

Relative positioning of a block w.r.t 2 (or more) blocks OR Container in Webi

Hope that helps!


After you find out the height of 3 tables (assuming named as below 3 variables), use the final formula to find out which table has the most height.
v_Table1 height
v_Table2 height
v_Table3 height

v_Table with most height
=If([v_Table1 height]>[v_Table2 height] and [v_Table1 height]>[v_Table3 height]) Then [v_Table1 height]
Elseif([v_Table2 height]>[v_Table3 height]) Then [v_Table2 height]
Else [v_Table3 height]


Thank you…it worked like a charm

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Glad to be able to help! I’m positive and pretty confident, that I’ve pioneered this idea, and haven’t seen this (before) being done in Webi by anyone, or at least, I haven’t seen any blogs to address this issue.
