I have an report that has been broken down by set as masters for few columns now I need to ad page numbers to report such that for the each set as master is one report so that should each start with page #1 , does any one have any idea
Thanks for the response I did get the formula bar as well as the page function but I am not exactly sure how to edit it , what i want is the insert page numbers with my set as master column so with a change in my master field my page numbers start from 1 again , do U have any idea or hints
Guys let me explain the problem in little details , I have a report that has say Region Country City & sales now after I generate the report I set region as master , now I want to publish this report with row level security so when I insert the page numbers I want it in following format say 1st region is America so it starts with Page # 1 & goes on till Page # 3, Now after that is Asia then again the page number should start from Page # 1 & say goeson till page #5 after that I have europe then again page should start at page # 1 I hope that sheds more light , I am not sure how to modify the Page function to do the same
My problem is that I do have 2 section levels (2 objects in the upper part of the slice & dice window) but the pageinsection() function returns me the number of page in the whole report if I give 0 as an argument, and returns me 0 for any other number.
I’ve been searching for a long time (even through all the posts on this matter) but never had it working on my queries.