Of a given choice, which databases you prefer with BO: Oracle OR DB2 ???
can anyone provide me some insight on the pros and cons (performamce. logon, maintenance…ect) of using these database for BO. My experience (Oracle + BO) always suggests me for Oracle. Truly – I don’t have any experience with DB2.
We have our BO repository on DB2, our datas are on DB2 and Oracle.
I think that our choose ins’t the better because:
- Connection time is longer than on oracle repository (especially for Webi)
- BO Support are more effective with Oracle than DB2
- According to Bo Consulting, connectivity to Oracle is more optimized than DB2.
A few years ago i would definitely advise Oracle over DB2
(The product was more mature on oracle) … Today, It’s
different, the DB2 connectivities have become much more
stable (especially the later versions of UDB) … so, Yes,
run a POC on both platforms if possible, but i think it’s
a pure ROI question: “Which platform is it cheaper to run on?”