Oracle OR DB2 -- Advise needed !!

Of a given choice, which databases you prefer with BO:
Oracle OR DB2 ???

can anyone provide me some insight on the pros and cons (performamce. logon, maintenance…ect) of using these database for BO. My experience (Oracle + BO) always suggests me for Oracle. Truly – I don’t have any experience with DB2.

murali :new_zealand: (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

There are some factor to decide on the databasde type :

Number of Concurrent Users?
Licensing Fee?
Data Volume?


I have worked with both of them and both are equally good.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

One big factor, about 70% of BO’s customer have their reposiotory on oracle, so being on oracle you get better support from the vendor

Bobby (BOB member since 2004-05-05)

Key pro of Oracle - you know it
Key pro of DB2 - something new for the cv

If you’re administrating it, you’ll be comfier with Oracle, but may be happier adding the DB2 string to your bow long term.

As previously said, both are fit for purpose, but Oracle is more popular.

We have our BO repository on DB2, our datas are on DB2 and Oracle.
I think that our choose ins’t the better because:
- Connection time is longer than on oracle repository (especially for Webi)
- BO Support are more effective with Oracle than DB2
- According to Bo Consulting, connectivity to Oracle is more optimized than DB2.


ChristopheA :fr: (BOB member since 2003-09-04)

Both DBMS Oracle and UDB v7/v8 perform well.

You choice should be mainly driven by:

  • What expertise regarding these DBMS do you have in house
  • Corporate standards
  • Licensing costs

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

A few years ago i would definitely advise Oracle over DB2
(The product was more mature on oracle) … Today, It’s
different, the DB2 connectivities have become much more
stable (especially the later versions of UDB) … so, Yes,
run a POC on both platforms if possible, but i think it’s
a pure ROI question: “Which platform is it cheaper to run on?”

Chris Pohl :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-18)