Opening reports - read-only??

 Someone wrote...

 I have a group of users who, when tring to open reports, receive a
 message that the report is currently open.  Business Objects (4.1.3)
 will only allow them to open as read-only files.


 We have the same situation in our environment,  The reason for the
 read-only message is that the user does not have write access to the
 LAN directory where the report is stored.  The BO message is
 misleading in that it says someone already has the document open.  We
 allow Systems people full access to a shared LAN drive, but end users
 only have read access, and must endure the silly message every time
 they open a report from the shared LAN drive.

 - Chris

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Neal, We had faced a similar problem. After a good amount of prying around,
we found that the NT profile for the user gets somehow corrupted. I am not
sure how BO does its part of “exclusive lock”. However, Word and Excel
seems to handle their locks differently and work fine. So, the
solution…delete the roaming profile of the user (keep in mind that the
user will loose his/her preferences, desktop icons etc) and have it
recreated. It should work fine.

I hope somebody from BO developers is tuned in to this and will rectify the

Neal, if you want further info, you can contact me off-line.


Neal wrote…
Some facts:

  • These reports are stored on a Novell file server and are simply opened
    from this location.
  • We are positive that no one else has the document open

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Neil wrote:

I have a group of users who, when tring to open reports, receive a message that the report is currently open.  Business Objects (4.1.3) will only allow them to open as read-only files.

Some facts:

  • These reports are stored on a Novell file server and are simply opened from this location.
  • We are positive that no one else has the document open

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)