OpenDocument Help

I have no idea how to implement or work with OpenDocument. As suggested by most of the forum members i looked into the documentation but i couldnt understand the very basics of implementing it. Please help.
This is what i have to do…

I have a time hierarchy to manage. Year, quarter, month and day. I have aggregate tables which have data. My reports are generic. SO for year 2004, the user would click on the months(this has to be passed on to as the report parameter) and it would open up the monthly report. Again when the user clicks on the particular month, it would give weekly details and so on and so forth.

Where do i start? i have been designing reports for a long time but never come across this! so i am stumped. I need a headstart. Please help me out in here. :cry:

  • A

souvida :us: (BOB member since 2004-05-10)

Have you already seen this topic? If not, does this help?

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)