BusinessObjects Board

Open Doc

We have 7 major dashbaords which are linked to each other through opendoc url. One main dashboard have 6 other tabs to go to those dashboads from main dashbaord. Our users are using opendoc URL link to launch main dashboard. So, we send them main opendoc URL for main dashbaord. Users are able to open that main dashbaord. But when they try to go to other dashbaords from that main dashbaord, it will not open remain dashbaords. We are trying to open other dashbaord is same window. Opening remaining dashboard in same windows does not work. But if we open remaining dashboards in new window than it works.
We want to our users to be able to open remaining dashboards in same window the main dashboard was opened.
This things work if we do from BI Launch pad directly.
All users will not use BI lauch pad to access dashbaord. so, we are giving them URL for main dashboad through which they will be access remaining dashboards.
Please give me some ideas what might go wrong.

alex1234 (BOB member since 2010-09-14)

In your link button component, there is an option for ‘new window’ or same window.

Also, you can control windows in the OpenDoc as well with the sWindow argument.

Browser’s however, will overrule every other setting. You can set all links to open in new windows, regardless. This is probably what is happening to your users.

Cairmor :us: (BOB member since 2008-06-05)


Yes, I have set up to open in same window in URL button and that is what we need. We want to open in same window not new window. sWindow in opendoc is not supported in BI 4.0.
It is not working as it should.
Any other thoughts.

When i tried doing fiddler trace, it gives this error warning . abc is my servername.

3 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/yahoo/yahoo-min.js
4 404 HTTP abc /shared/ure/js/common/GarbageBin.js
5 404 HTTP abc /shared/ure/js/common/bobj-min.js
6 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/stylesheet/stylesheet-min.js
7 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js
8 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/logger/logger-min.js
9 404 HTTP abc /shared/js/app/portal_utils.js
10 404 HTTP abc /BOE/OpenDocument/js/openDocumentUtils.js
11 404 HTTP abc /BOE/OpenDocument/js/shared_caf_utils.js
12 404 HTTP abc /BOE/OpenDocument/js/openDocCallbackAsApplication.js
13 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/container/container-min.js
14 404 HTTP abc /shared/js/caf/callback.js
15 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/dragdrop/dragdrop-min.js
16 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/container/assets/containerariaplugin-min.js
17 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/element/element-min.js
18 404 HTTP abc /shared/dialogservice/dialogservice.css
19 404 HTTP abc /shared/encoder/encoder.js
20 404 HTTP abc /shared/dialogservice/dialogservice.js
21 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/assets/skins/sam/container.css
22 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/resize/resize-min.js
23 404 HTTP abc /shared/dialogservice/dialogservice_strings_en.js
24 404 HTTP abc /OpenDocument/
25 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/assets/skins/sam/button.css
26 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/assets/skins/sam/layout.css
27 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/assets/skins/sam/resize.css
28 404 HTTP abc /shared/yui/2.8.0/assets/skins/sam/menu.css

alex1234 (BOB member since 2010-09-14)

we are having the same problem as you. Have you been able to fix it?

Furthermore, we have another issue. we need to link three dashboards in the same window or in different tabs (but not in different windows).

If we use the option “same window”, we open one dashboard with open document, the click in the button that has the URL to the second dashboard and it works ok. But, when we click on the second button that has the URL to the third dashboard, it doesnt load and we get a white screen.

Any thoughts?
Thanks !!

sapbo1 (BOB member since 2012-12-28)

If you haven’t found a solution yet, try the below URL on the URL Component set to ‘This Windows’. This is in Dashboard 4:


P34C3 :us: (BOB member since 2005-11-30)