Is there any way we can hide objects on the fly in report those donot contain data (null).
Please suggest
krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)
Is there any way we can hide objects on the fly in report those donot contain data (null).
Please suggest
krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)
You can apply filters using NOT ISNULL() operators to remove the rows with null values for an object.
But if you are asking to hide a column which have all Nulls, I don’t think thatz possible.
mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)
Thanks for your reply.
Yes…i meant for hiding column which are null.
krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)
It’s technically possible but an extreme work-around. Dwayne presented some of it at the user conference in Phoenix… it’d take a heckuva lot of if-then statements in all the columns and headers…
JennFisher (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Can you use a crosstab format? It will only show “columns” for data where there are values.
Dave Rathbun (BOB member since 2002-06-06)