I’m currently working on a Universe using BO Designer v 5.1.8 and am experiencing problems when applying Object Formats.
I have been applying basic formatting to my Numeric fields so that, for example, a volume object that deals with only whole numbers has an Object Format of #,##0 assigned rather than the BO default which is #,##0.00.
However, whilst this formatting appears to work fine when using BO Reporter 5.1.8, when I’ve been testing the same universe using BO Reporter 5.1.5 these Object Formats are being ignored.
Can you try creating a brand new object, applying an object format and exporting. Now create a report in 5.1.5 with just that object in…does it work? Are both 5.1.5 and 5.1.8 pointing to the same repos (just checking…)
I’ve tried your suggestion but to no avail. One interesting thing I did discover however was that whilst Number Formats were not being picked up in 5.1.5 any Alignment Formats were! Now I am very confused
It might be worth checking the 5.1.8 readme to see if the introduced a bug along these lines - seems very unlikely. Your objects are numeric - just checking?
Just a quick update. I’ve since looked at the universe created in 5.1.8 in another setup of Designer 5.1.5 and indeed the Object Formatting is not recognised, although you can see it if you look at the same universe on Designer 5.1.8.
I applied the same formatting changes to the Universe in 5.1.5 and then looked at these in 5.1.8 and they work fine this way round.
For the time being I think I’ll have to stick with 5.1.5 and maybe take this forward with BO as there definitely appears to be some instability here! I have in fact found a further one, but will start it on another thread when I get a mo!