BusinessObjects Board

Numeric value out of range


Please can you advise on the following error.

6224 11352 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM |Data flow DF_SalesPricingFact_SAP|Embedded Dataflow EDF_SalesPricingFact_SAP|Loader EID_2_TimeStampQuery
6224 11352 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM ODBC data source error message for operation : <[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Numeric
6224 11352 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM value out of range
6224 11352 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM >.
6224 11352 RUN-051005 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM |Data flow DF_SalesPricingFact_SAP|Embedded Dataflow EDF_SalesPricingFact_SAP|Loader EID_2_TimeStampQuery
6224 11352 RUN-051005 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM Execution of for target <SALES_PRICE_FACT> failed. Possible causes: (1) Error in the SQL syntax; (2)
6224 11352 RUN-051005 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM Database connection is broken; (3) Database related errors such as transaction log is full, etc.; (4) The user defined in the
6224 11352 RUN-051005 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM datastore has insufficient privileges to execute the SQL. If the error is for preload or postload operation, or if it is for
6224 11352 RUN-051005 5/5/2014 12:26:49 PM regular load operation and load triggers are defined, check the SQL. Otherwise, for (3) and (4), contact your local DBA.
15368 14564 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:27:14 PM |Data flow DF_SalesPricingFact_SAP|Embedded Dataflow EDF_SalesPricingFact_SAP|Loader EID_2_TimeStampQuery
15368 14564 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:27:14 PM ODBC data source error message for operation : <[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]Numeric
15368 14564 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:27:14 PM value out of range
15368 14564 DBS-070401 5/5/2014 12:27:14 PM >.||<SALES_PRICE_FACT>

Thers is one mapping as

to_date(to_char(CREATE_DATE, ‘yyyymmdd’) || CREATE_TIME, ‘yyyymmddhh24miss’) for CREATE_DATE field in output schema, which is datetime datatype.

its_ranjan (BOB member since 2011-02-16)

Did you even check what data was tried to be processed?

Johannes Vink :netherlands: (BOB member since 2012-03-20)

Yes, it was date datatype data coming from SAP system.
What would the ‘out of range’ value depict?

I have another job that fails with same error but the error log does not mention which field has issue. There are lot of fields in a certain dataflow mapping
Any comments please?

its_ranjan (BOB member since 2011-02-16)