BusinessObjects Board

Not saving in repository


I want to retrieve the data from Qaaws and not saving the data, it showing \

could not save the document to repository for the following reason:[repo_proxy 30]. Infostore:: ObjectExport::commit-(Helper:: infostore:: commit) File Repository server : Failed to communication with server input. server down or Disable.(hr =#0x80042a4a)(Error #-2147210678(WIS 30567)

ketkichoudhary (BOB member since 2012-01-16)

Did you get to resolve this issue?
I am getting the same error message -> WebI report + BO4 repository.


queryanalyzer (BOB member since 2005-08-28)


I have the same error.

BI4.0 SP5 (Rich Client)

BIConsult :new_zealand: (BOB member since 2010-07-28)