Does anyone know how to prevent the ‘You are not authorized to use this document’ error? I do not have any security defined at the document level. I have not figured out why this occurs on some documents and not others. It seems to occur sporadically after a document is retrieved from the repository, modified and then sent back to the repository. After that, all users except the general supervisor, and the original author of the document receive the ‘You are not authorized to use this document’ error after they retrieve the document from the repository or from users and try to open it. This occurs even when the document has been saved for all users and even happens to the person that sent the document to the repository. The error can been fixed by logging on as the original author of the document, saving the document and then sending it to the repository but I want to prevent it from happening at all. I am using V.4.1.2. Any ideas?
Susan Pitts
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
X-cc: “”
When saving the document, make sure to check the ‘Save for all users’ box in the Save As dialog box. I have inquired before and not figured out how to make this always enabled.
Tim K Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702 - office
(800) 946-4645 pin 1404017 - pager
Does anyone know how to prevent the ‘You are not authorized to use this document’ error? I do not have any security defined at the document level. I have not figured out why this occurs on some documents and not others. It seems to occur sporadically after a document is retrieved from the repository, modified and then sent back to the repository.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
Security is not defined on a Document layer, it is defined through the EXPORTING of a document. When a document is exported, it is assigned a Document ID. If this Document ID is not part of the Documents you can access, you will get the ‘You are not Authorized to use this document’ error. This is part of the security of the documents (as it prevents someone from just running to your desk and stealing a copy of the report).
If the document is EXPORTED and then subsequently DELETED from the repository, you will get the error again. This is because the DocID that is being compared in the repository is no longer being used. For those reports, SAVE FOR ALL USERS is the way to remove the document ID from the document.
The General Supervisor (and any other GenSup) will be able to open the document as they have no restrictions on Documents and Universes they can open.
If you ever do a Save For All Users and then EXPORT the document, you have readded the Access Checking and may encounter this error again. For those documents that you want shared, you may want to have them exported to the top level of the repository. Also make sure that you belong to any group that the document was sent to.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)
I did check the box ‘Save for all users’. It did not correct the problem.
Tim wrote:
When saving the document, make sure to check the ‘Save for all users’
box in the Save As dialog box
Does anyone know how to prevent the ‘You are not authorized to use this
document’ error? I do not have any security defined at the document
level. I have not figured out why this occurs on some documents and not
others. It seems to occur sporadically after a document is retrieved
from the repository, modified and then sent back to the repository.
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)