I am not able to view the Menu bar in Business Objects6.1
After logging in to BO. I am not able to see nothing just screen is opened.
Like Title bar as BUSINESS oBJECTS.
how can we get the tool bars
prasad v (BOB member since 2007-07-15)
I am not able to view the Menu bar in Business Objects6.1
After logging in to BO. I am not able to see nothing just screen is opened.
Like Title bar as BUSINESS oBJECTS.
how can we get the tool bars
prasad v (BOB member since 2007-07-15)
Login to Deski
When it is opened, Press Alt +F11 to activate the VBA Window.
Press CTRL + G for the Immediate Window if it is not already opened.
Type the following line into the Immediate Window:application.cmdbars.activemenubar.visible = true
Click Enter.
This was already discussed in BOB.
Jansi (BOB member since 2008-05-12)
Thanks for your quick reply
But this problem is appearing only in particular machine. In that machine I cannot work. can you please provide the one more thing like HOW TO HIDE THE MENUBAR.
I will do it in my machine and after that i need to do in it in other machine.
Please advice me.
prasad v (BOB member since 2007-07-15)
I tried to do it as you mentioned. but we are unable to save this code in BO. save option was hidden. in VBA window.
I dont know about VBA Macros.
Can you please suggest me
prasad v (BOB member since 2007-07-15)
Did you press enter and then did you check for the menu bar?Please go through this thread for further details.
Jansi (BOB member since 2008-05-12)
You dont have to use any save option to run the piece of code given by Jansi.
Just pressing enter key at the end of line in immediate window of VBA should hide or show the standard menu bar
haider (BOB member since 2005-07-18)
Use the same code and then set that to false instead of true.
Jansi (BOB member since 2008-05-12)
thanks haider
It is in that screen only even i press enter at the end of the line.
it is not coming to standard Menu
prasad v (BOB member since 2007-07-15)
Have you tried to what Jansi said, change it true or false.
If problem persists then I would also suggest you to delete or rename the following registry keys as the menu bar looks to be corrupted
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects\Suite 6\default\BusinessObjects\Application Preferences\BusinessReporter
haider (BOB member since 2005-07-18)