Could not save the document to the repository for the following reason: [repo_proxy 30] DocumentFacade::uploadBlob - Query execute has failed : Error occurred while attempting to reconnect to CMS : Not a valid logon token. (FWB 00003)
(hr=#0x80042a70) (WIS 30567)
We are getting this error after installing Fixpack 2.8. Let me know is there any workaround to resolve the issue.
I’m getting the same error. I’m on BOBJ Enterprise 3.1 SP3.
I either have to restart the WebI services or reboot the server to fix. It’s happening with scheduled webi reports about once a week.
We’re experiencing the same and it’s a known bug: see ADAPT01374806
According to SAP Note: 1432731 - Scheduled to be fixed in SP4?
This was posted by SAP on 15/09/2010 so I assume they’re not referring to 2.4 but then the question is what as far as I know 2.9 is the last release and everyone is waiting for XI 4.0 so
They basically suggest that you restart the webi servers until then, but I’ve been doing that for months and now had an instance where I did exactly that and left for the day (weekend) and all subsequent jobs failed again
We have been seeing this on the BI 4.0 Sp2 Patch 19. Have any one have come across the similar issue and what was the resolution for this. ? This happening while saving the report / Scheduling the report.