Net8 and SQL Net 2.3 again!!

I am not getting a satisfactory response from BusinessObjects at this time so I am hoping somebody can help. Does anyone have BOTH the Net8 Client and SQL Net 2.3 both installed at the same time?

I have an NT machine with an Oracle home of C:\ORANT. Within this Oracle home I have a NET80 directory for NET8 and NETWORK directory for SQL Net 2.3 (the defaults). Now Oracle tells me this is a perfectly valid configuration and I have no problems whatsoever with any of their tools.

However BusinessObjects 2.3 connections do not work right. In Designer I get “Cannot retrieve list of owners” if I try and refresh the list of tables. BusinessObjects NET8 connections work fine in this regard. However neither connection will allow me to see my list of Stored Procedures. If I remove the NET8 installation then everything works fine.

If I install NET8 into a different Oracle home it does not help. Besides Oracle says that is not necessary. Help???


Greg Mills
ETN/DUCOM 442-5597
(580) 767-5597

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I am not getting a satisfactory response from BusinessObjects at this time so I am hoping somebody can help. Does anyone have BOTH the Net8 Client and SQL Net 2.3 both installed at the same time?

I have an NT machine with an Oracle home of C:\ORANT. Within this Oracle home I have a NET80 directory for NET8 and NETWORK directory for SQL Net 2.3 (the defaults). Now Oracle tells me this is a perfectly valid configuration and I have no problems whatsoever with any of their tools.

I am currently at a client site that has bote Net8 and SQLNet 2.3 installed on some desktops.
Though I haven’t done a lot of testing yet, I can share with you our experiences to date.

Similar to you, we are installed on NT with an Oracle home of C:\ORANT. Within this home, there is a Net80 and a NETWORK directory.

Our BOMAIN.KEY uses SQLNet 2.3. At first we just had 2.3 on the machine. All worked OK. The DBA needed Net8 on the machine. Once the install was completed, nothing worked (I don’t even know the errors received at the time). The hard drive was then reconfigured like new. Then Net8 was installed. As expected, we could not connect to the security domain as the BOMAIN.KEY is expecting 2.3. SQLNET 2.3 was installed. Nothing worked (I don’t even know the errors received at the time).

What worked (sort of … for the short term) … Net8 is installed first, then SQLNET 2.3, our 2.3 connections worked just fine (maybe different versions of same DLLs are used?) BUT when I tried to add new Net8 connections in BusinessObjects, I GPF on a ping.

I will be doing some more testing later this week. I will be logging our finding with BOA tech support.

Note - I have not yet tested stored procedures.

Good luck. Best Regards, Lori
SAGE Solutions, Inc.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


We’re just experiencing this problem now. When you installed Net 8 first, and then SQL Net 2.3, you were gpf’ing on a ping with a Net 8 connection. Did you ever get this resolved ?

Does anyone have a resolution for both Net 8 and SQL Net 2.3 on the same machine ?


Lori Furda LoriSue@WORLDNET.ATT.NET on 08/18/98 08:43:02 PM

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM


I am not getting a satisfactory response from BusinessObjects at this time so I am hoping somebody can help. Does anyone have BOTH the Net8 Client and SQL Net 2.3 both installed at the same time?

I have an NT machine with an Oracle home of C:\ORANT. Within this Oracle home I have a NET80 directory for NET8 and NETWORK directory for SQL Net 2.3 (the defaults). Now Oracle tells me this is a perfectly valid configuration and I have no problems whatsoever with any of their tools.

I am currently at a client site that has bote Net8 and SQLNet 2.3 installed on some desktops.
Though I haven’t done a lot of testing yet, I can share with you our experiences to date.

Similar to you, we are installed on NT with an Oracle home of C:\ORANT. Within this home, there is a Net80 and a NETWORK directory.

Our BOMAIN.KEY uses SQLNet 2.3. At first we just had 2.3 on the machine. All worked OK. The DBA needed Net8 on the machine. Once the install was completed, nothing worked (I don’t even know the errors received at the time). The hard drive was then reconfigured like new. Then Net8 was installed. As expected, we could not connect to the security domain as the BOMAIN.KEY is expecting 2.3. SQLNET 2.3 was installed. Nothing worked (I don’t even know the errors received at the time).

What worked (sort of … for the short term) … Net8 is installed first, then SQLNET 2.3, our 2.3 connections worked just fine (maybe different versions of same DLLs are used?) BUT when I tried to add new Net8 connections in BusinessObjects, I GPF on a ping.

I will be doing some more testing later this week. I will be logging our finding with BOA tech support.

Note - I have not yet tested stored procedures.

Good luck. Best Regards, Lori
SAGE Solutions, Inc.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

When you installed Net 8 first, and
then SQL Net 2.3, you were gpf’ing on a ping with a Net 8 connection. Did
ever get this resolved ?

Hi Mathew,
I am sorry to say that I could not get both versions of the middleware working on one client.

The main problem we had is due to the architecture of our repository … (1) we have a security, universe and document domain in Oracle 8 (some folks have sqlnet 2.3 bomain.keys and others have net 8 - both work fine).
(2) we have a test and devl universe domain connected thru the security domain with a sqlnet 2.3 connection. (We could not change this to a net 8 connection since our users only have 2.3.)

When we use an Oracle 8 client and try importing from the test or devl domains, we receive the error ORA 24375 - Canot use V6 syntax when talking to V8 server. So, evidently some of the Oracle calls have been changed.

In summary, it makes sense for us to move towards Net 8. (thank goodness, we have no other applications on the desktop to be concernd with). Best Regards, Lori S. Furda
Sage Solutions, Inc.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Matthew Ferguson schrieb:


We’re just experiencing this problem now. When you installed Net 8 first, and then SQL Net 2.3, you were gpf’ing on a ping with a Net 8 connection. Did you ever get this resolved ?

As far as I know, there are conflicting (oracle) .dlls for V2.3 and V8. The only way to overcome this would probably be to install them in different ORACLE_HOME directories. I’m not sure if this is possible.

Does anyone have a resolution for both Net 8 and SQL Net 2.3 on the same machine ?

What worked (sort of … for the short term) … Net8 is installed first, then SQLNET 2.3, our 2.3 connections worked just fine (maybe different versions of same DLLs are used?)

This is exactly the case…

Hope this helps, Walter.

DI Walter Muellner
Delphi Software GmbH, Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna / Austria Tel: +43-1-8151456-12, Fax: +43-1-8151456-21 e-mail:, WEB:

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)