BusinessObjects Board

need to assign one value per group

Hi There, I have a data as;

dt -num -subkey -assignkey
01.01.2009 - 100 - k - a
04.01.2009 - 100 - k - a
08.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
15.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
17.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
19.01.2009 - 100 - k - c
20.01.2009 - 100- k - c
03.01.2009 - 300 -j - a
05.01.2009 - 300 - j - a
06.01.2009 - 400 - p - a

What I need to do is generate assignkey based on the num and subkey.

Please can you giude me to generate this format using BODS.

Thanks in advance.

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

if you do an orderby+groupby on your group fields, then add a sequence number(gen_row_num()) … then join that back on your group fields in another query … walla :smiley:

jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

thanks for your reply, I did not understood how to join back on group fields. If you have any example to explain will be very helpful. Thanks for your help in advance.

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

you create a new branch to do the ob+gb, then join that back to the original stream. (BG = group by :yesnod: )
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jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

great thanks , it is working half way though, what I am getting is ;

dt -num -subkey -assignkey
01.01.2009 - 100 - k - a
04.01.2009 - 100 - k - a
08.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
15.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
17.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
19.01.2009 - 100 - k - c
20.01.2009 - 100- k - c
03.01.2009 - 300 -j - d - instead of a which is my requirement when new subkey begins
05.01.2009 - 300 - j - d - instead of a which is my requirement when new subkey begins
06.01.2009 - 400 - p - e - instead of a which is my requirement when new subkey begins

Hope it helps. Thanks again in advance

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

I’m not following your requirements. Does it reset back to A after C ?

realizing you’re assigning an alpha instead of just a sequence, but the sequence can of course be translated. chr(65+n)

jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

Thanks for your reply, assignkey resets when the subkey changes.when subkey changes, assignkey resets and again begins with ‘a’ and increments to ‘b’ when ‘num’ changes … hope this explains my requirment.

Thanks again for your reply.

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

Ok, I mostly see what you’re looking for I just dont understand the sortation.

if you did a group by on subkey,num and then did a gen_row_num_by_group(subkey,num) … converting that to an alpha( chr(64+grbg) that would give you your assignkey.

never trust DS to preserve your sortation.

jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

Hi I cannot use group by gen_row_num_by_group(subkey,num) because then it will group
01.01.2009 - 100 - k - a
04.01.2009 - 100 - k - a

08.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
15.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
17.01.2009 - 200 - k - b
19.01.2009 - 100 - k - c
20.01.2009 - 100- k - c

highlighted rows above (100 - k) into 1 group (100-k-a) whereas I want them to be in 2 groups (100-k-a) and (100-k-c) as per order of their appearance based on dates.
By using group by (num-subkey) it is failing my need to generate them as 2 different groups (100-k-a) and (100-k-c) . hope it helps, let me know if you didn’t understood anything in here. Thanks for helping me with this query.

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

Do you have access to the user defined transform?

This seems like it should be a lot easier than it is. Like if you could conditionally gen_row_by_group() and look at the previous row value.

doing it in Python would be really easy. :yesnod:

IH = open(r'd:\desktop\testfile.txt','r')
saveSubkey  = None
assignKey   = 0
tupSave     = None
for record in IH:
    date,num,subkey,req = record.rstrip('\n').split('-')
    tupRec = (subkey,num)
    if tupSave is None:
        assignKey = 0
        tupSave = (subkey,num)
    elif tupRec != tupSave:
        assignKey += 1
        tupSave = tupRec

    if saveSubkey is None:
        saveSubkey = subkey
    elif subkey != saveSubkey:
        assignKey = 0
        saveSubkey = subkey

    print date,num,subkey,req,chr(65+assignKey)

01.01.2009 100 k a A
04.01.2009 100 k a A
08.01.2009 200 k b B
15.01.2009 200 k b B
17.01.2009 200 k b B
19.01.2009 100 k c C
20.01.2009 100 k c C
03.01.2009 300 j a A
05.01.2009 300 j a A
06.01.2009 400 p a A

jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

You are such a Pro :smiley: … Just that I need to do it in BODS only and no Python :frowning:

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

Pretty sure this will do the trick. It gets a bit inefficient as the quantity increases but it looks to work as requested.

it uses a gen_row_num_by_group, selects off the 1st member of each group then reverses the sortation and fills in the Null assign keys with the closest sequence. Its pretty ugly. :crazy_face:

password is a single space
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jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

Hey, thanks for the code ! I have pretty much achieved it by using custom function and by defining Parameter at DF level to access previous row value.

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

Congrats!! I tried using the previous row but forgot about assigning it to a variable. It returns null on the second subordinate record, which led me to my spaghetti dataflow.

jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

Yeah, thanks for your suggestions, it helped me to progress, great relief it got sorted and hence I landed on another query. Now I need to access next row value and BODS does not provide any function for next row like it has for Previous_Row_Value () :frowning:

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

If you reverse your sortation, previous row becomes next row. I did that in my spaghetti flow to get around storing the previous row into a global variable.

When you sequence your rows, you can access the next/previous rows by joining on the sequence ±1.

jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)

Ok, I will try that way, thanks!

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

Hi jylnn73,

I tried reverse sorting but then it is failing because for example if data is ;

subkey __ numkey __ valstart
aaa __ 111 __ 21.04.2019
aaa __ 222 __ 05.05.2019
aaa __ 111 __ 31.05.2019

then if I will reverse the sortation, I will get

subkey __ numkey __ valstart __ Valend
aaa __ 111 __ 21.04.2019 __ 31.05.2019
aaa __ 222 __ 05.05.2019 __ 05.05.2019
aaa __ 111 __ 31.05.2019 __ 21.04.2019

whereas my need is ;

subkey __ numkey __ valstart __ Valend
aaa __ 111 __ 21.04.2019 __ 05.05.2019
aaa __ 222 __ 05.05.2019 __ 31.05.2019
aaa __ 111 __ 31.05.2019 __ 01.01.5555

for the last row Valend will be 01.01.5555

BOBJFan (BOB member since 2011-09-24)

That should work as long as you’re sorting on the generated sequence number.

if your next date is always populated, you could always join on row number +1 for all except the last row.
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jlynn73 :us: (BOB member since 2009-10-27)