If I have a formula that says: IF X Then Y, how would I change the formula so that instead of just Y, I can say the lesser of two things? For example:
IF X Then Lesser of Y or Z?
If I have a formula that says: IF X Then Y, how would I change the formula so that instead of just Y, I can say the lesser of two things? For example:
IF X Then Lesser of Y or Z?
To clarify that example:
If X Then The Lesser of ([object1] * 0.35) or $10,000
The point is, I need to be able to do object 1 * 35% or 10,000, whichever is less, but I am just not remembering how to write the formula in a way that Webi will accept.
Well, it may not be the cleanest way, but I think I figured this out with using Then followed by If:
…ElseIf [object] InList (“123”) And [object] > (10001) Then IF 0.35 * [object] < 10001 Then 0.35 * [object] Else 10000
Usually we would say:
If X is TRUE and ([object1] * 0.35) < $10,000 Then ([object1] * 0.35) else $10,000
but what if X is FALSE, is it supposed to be $10,000 or null or zero, or something else?