Does anyone have any information on, experience with, or thoughts about using WebI with a multiple BOmain.key environment? Is it absolutely necessary to have a separate WebI web-server for each repository that exists, or has anyone worked up a scheme to use multiple bomain.key’s?
I know that there are several instances of Business Objects in use throughout our company, and there several people who need to be able to access several different repositories. There can be only BOMain.key on each desktop, and only one reporsitory for each instance of BO, so there has been a small script written that allows users to swap BOMain.key’s by renaming then as needed.
The problem becomes easier with Webi, since the BOMain.key resides on the Webi server. A user simply points their browser to the server that they want to access and they’re all set. They can bookmark the URL’s of each server, and just select the bookmark they need, log in, and Bada Bing, Bada Boom, they’re in.
I hope this helps.
Michael Welter
Sr. Technical Analyst
Does anyone have any information on, experience with, or thoughts about using WebI with a multiple BOmain.key environment? Is it absolutely necessary to have a separate WebI web-server for each repository that exists, or has anyone worked up a scheme to use multiple bomain.key’s?
Does anyone have any information on, experience with, or thoughts about using WebI with a multiple BOmain.key environment? Is it absolutely necessary to have a separate WebI web-server for each repository that exists, or has anyone worked up a scheme to use multiple bomain.key’s?
From the tone of your note, you (and I) want to use multiple BOMain.Key
specifically for WEBI. You may be aware that BOv5.0 Supervisor, Designer and User and BCA supports multiple BOMain.Keys (prompt with dropdown list at login time).
I have been doing some reading and talking to some of the BO tech support staff and the only option that they talk about it a single BOMain.Key = one WEBI server. ;-( I am also interested in a solution and have’nt really had the chance to try out something.
You have judged my question correctly, and unfortunately, I think we seem to be stuck with the 1 bomain.key = 1 web server setup. Quite a shame, since (as you noted) BO 5 full client allows multiple bomain.key access, but this obviously cannot be extended to WebI users of those repositories with the way BO has designed the product. We have one production web server in our company, and do not plan to buy dedicated servers just to support our multiple bomain.key environment.
Thanks for your feedback…if you get any new information on the topic, please pass along, and I will do the same.