BusinessObjects Board

Most Recent Description at Universe Level


BO newbie here talking trying to create his way into the Analytics World :slight_smile:

In my scenario I have in my Universe.unx [SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3 Support Pack 2 Patch 6]
the current fields:

-Year + Period (String)
-Year (Detail of Year+Period)
-Period (Detail of Year+Period)
-Department Code (String)
-Department Description (String)
-Department Code+Department Description (concatenate) (string)

Basically every year some of these “Departments” changes their name (regardless of the period) and therefore in the reports (50+) that considers multiple years in the queries (users can launch at max 3 different years) for some departments that changed name during the time selected I have 2 or 3 rows for each department.

The requirement is to create something at universe level (no webi ranking dimension :smiley: ) that will be dynamic for the next future denomination’s changes and will grant me to have 1 row with the most recent description even if i’m analysing the year before when this department had a different name.

I searched here in the forum and elsewhere but couldn’t find the right way to fulfill this requirement.

I tried the Rank Over () function of SAP IDT to order Years and then with the Number 1 (most recent) try to get the linked “Department Description” but didn’t work.

Feel free to guide me here in the forum or elsewhere for a practical solution.

Thanks in advance!