MOM services on BO V.5.1.8

We currently have two BO applications in place (BO v5.1.8 and XIr2). The former has been in place for about 3 years and is due to be decommissioned when we have fully migrated all requisite objects to our new installation, XIr2 (which could take a further 6 months to complete).

Concentrating on 5.1.8. We have a cluster of servers that hosts the BCAs. The servers are Windows 2000 Advanced with SP4 (A Cluster Manager and two nodes)

We have three BOmanagers in operations watching over about 8 BCAs across all three servers. In totally we have about 600 reports uploaded, most of which run on a regular nightly basis.

From time to time we notice when arriving at the office in the morning that reports have failed to run, or a BOmgr.exe is not visible on Task Manager; or that one of the servers is no longer on the cluster (according to the BO Services Administrator.)

This is usually resolved by simply stopping and starting a BCA or WiOrb service (we don’t have Webi only full client BO reporting).

Moving forward: we would like to trace incidents such as this, where a node drops off the cluster for example, and be notified asap rather than wait until earlier in the morning.

There is an application called Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) which can monitor, trace log and alert failed services/applications. I just wondered if we could use MOM against BO. And if so what BO service or application would be most suitable for MOM to trace? Has anyone any experience of such an application/scenario? Is is difficult to set up/reliable?

Hope all this makes sense


[Moderator Note: Moving from General Discussion forum to Server Administration, Installation, Upgrades -> Web Intelligence 1.x/2.x Servers - Marek Chladny]

Diane1969 :uk: (BOB member since 2007-01-18)