We are using BO 4.1.2, Oracle 8 and SQL*NET 2.3
We are experiencing some problems with running Oracle (on different nodes) and using SQL*NET 2.3. We would like to upgrade all of the BO connections to NET 8 connections. We can successfully create a new BOMain.key file using NET 8 and connect to our current repo. We can successfully change the connect string inside of the universe to be a NET 8 connect string to get to the data. But what we don’t seem to be able to do is modify the connections between the security domain and the document and universe domains. Our procedure is this:
- Using the NET 8 bomain.key, log into supervisor module as the General Supervisor.
- Under Tools, Repository, select one of the connections to modify. 3) Click on the modify button.
- Select Net8 client as the network layer, and click on the setup button. 5) Enter the user id, password and database name. Click on the test button, and we get the server is responding. But when we get back to the Repository panel, the connection has not been modified. ( We tried it on another PC with less than favorable results. The action of testing created a DR Watson error!)
So, the questions are:
- Can you really modify a connection?
- Is this a bug in version 4.1.2?
- How would you update your connections without rebuilding your repository (i.e. when you update your DB from Oracle 7 to Oracle 8)?
Sandy Brotje
Roadway Express
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)