Migrating Universe/Domain Security?

I would like to know if the Supervisor module supports migrating (copying) existing Row Security defined for one Universe/Domain (ie, Development/Sales), to another Universe/Domain (say Production/Sales)?

Thanks in advance,

Donald May
MIS Eagle Services
Pratt & Whitney
Ph: (860) 565-5253 Fax: (860) 565-4347 M/S: 117-35
E-mail: maydp@pweh.com

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Donald, and listers,

From: May, Donald P.[SMTP:maydp@PWEH.COM] Sent: 18 June 1998 15:18

I would like to know if the Supervisor module supports migrating (copying) existing Row Security defined for one Universe/Domain (ie, Development/Sales), to another Universe/Domain (say Production/Sales)?

Funnily enough, I have just had to do this as we are migrating our repositories from Access (proved VERY unreliable) to OpenIngres.

To do this we have created new domains at the same time as the old ones. On one universe we had extensive row-based security which we didn’t fancy recreating.

I can tell you how I did it, but you must bear in mind that this is unsupported by BO and you must be careful not to corrupt the security domain.

Reply if interested and I’ll send you the SQL I used.


Phil Morris

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Phil.

Thanks for the reply. I would appreciate a peek at the SQL. I’m new to BO and haven’t had the opportunity to mess around in there schema (yet).


From: Phil Morris[SMTP:PIMorris@TARMAC.DEMON.CO.UK]
Sent: Friday, June 19, 1998 5:22 AM

Hi Donald, and listers,

From: May, Donald P.[SMTP:maydp@PWEH.COM] Sent: 18 June 1998 15:18

I would like to know if the Supervisor module supports migrating (copying) existing Row Security defined for one Universe/Domain
Development/Sales), to another Universe/Domain (say

Funnily enough, I have just had to do this as we are migrating our repositories from Access (proved VERY unreliable) to OpenIngres.

To do this we have created new domains at the same time as the old ones.
On one universe we had extensive row-based security which we didn’t fancy recreating.

I can tell you how I did it, but you must bear in mind that this is unsupported by BO and you must be careful not to corrupt the security domain.

Reply if interested and I’ll send you the SQL I used.


Phil Morris

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)