Does anyone knows exactly what happens with the tables, fields when you migrate a v5 to v6.
We have done this by accident with one of our clients and they have no backup (Yes, I know).
We would like to know exactly what fields or so should be updated …
Is it possible to share the documents with us too. We are in the process of migrating from BO5.1.7–BO6.5.1–BOXI but we are unable to even get a good start as this is our first try to migrate. We are running BO5.1.7 and all other versions on different machines. Can u please give us some inputs,…???
Thanks for the time Steeve,
But would be able to give your inputs on how to migrate from BO5.1.7 to BO6.5.1? I am completely lost as i dont have any clue as to where i have to start?
I know you posted the question to Steve, but I want to be sure you’ve gone through the migration documentation from Business Objects. While not perfect (what documentation is), it is pretty good. After that, if you have specific questions, I’m sure you’ll get help here on BOB. The “tell me everything I need to know” kind of requests tend not to work as well as specific questions.
Ditto Dwayne. You should download and read the migration documents from BusinessObjects. There is probably one from 5.x to 6.x, and possibly another from 6.x to 6.5. I haven’t checked, so I don’t know if they have one that covers the migration directly from 5.x to 6.5.
Hmm thanks a lot for the time guys but i have already found the way to migrate and have completed successfully,well sorry if that i have quoted the question to a single person instead of the group,but though it means that the request was meant for steve, what i actaully meant by ‘you’ was the BOB.
And also, yeah i was stupid enough to ask even before trying things myself. But to be frank there is no way that we can get any documentation from the BO as we have just received the Dummy license and so logging into the BO support site is not possible as of now.Anyway thanks for the inputs guys i really appreciate the time and concern.
Well… ,As far as I no there are certain things that can be done even if u dont have any clue about them,but all you need to be is inquisitive. Well it seems that i have learnt to learn things the hard way. And i wanted to do it because its a requirement and has to be met and getting help???
i think there is no other place better than B B.
FYI - Most of the relevant documentation is delivered with the software itself. All of the installation, deployment and upgrading stuff is right there without needing to get it from support.
There really are no steps for upgrading within a current release number.
The deployment and installation guides tell you exactly what to do. Also, you should go to tech support and find the document that talks about the calculation engine changes that took place in 5.1.4. There is a macro that can identify reports that may have some errors.
But, from an upgrade perspective this is pretty simple.
We are upgrading to 5.1.7 to be consistent with the other BO teams.
Am currently reading the installation guide, and can only find something on upgrading from 3 to 4 which is v old.
I’ve read that I need to open all the universes and documents in 5.1.7 and re-save them. Is that correct.
I don’t understand why you say there is no upgrade involved, I am reading that I need to do a backup of the repository and then scan and repair before upgrading to version 5.1.7. Am i misinformed?
Just loggin to BO to get info on the calculator engine.
Also, I don’t understand , if the repository was initially created on a client version 5.1.2 and I upgrade my client to 5.1.7 will the BOMain.key still work or will I need to regen the BOMain.key
does the initial build hold any references to the version 5.1.2 from which it was done?