Microsoft Terminal Server Issue

Hi Everyone!! We are currently on a Winframe server and we are testing Microsoft Terminal Server (Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 - Terminal Server Edition). I am a general supervisor and when I go into BusinessObject 4.1 through Terminal Server I get the following error message after I log in:
Error: Cannot write local security file
My standalone version on my desktop is still fine. I can log in on this PC with any other BO user id, just not mine. Has anyone had an experience similar to this??
Maria D. Carter :slight_smile:
BusinessObjects Developer
(336) 279-2242

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


I get the following error
message after I log in:
Error: Cannot write local security file My standalone version on my desktop is still fine. I can log in on this
PC with any other BO user id, just not mine. Has anyone had an experience similar to this??

Sounds like your user id doesn’t have write access to the objects.lsi file. Check your directory and file security on the directory on the LocData or ShData directory.

Hayden Gill
The University of Queensland

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)