
We are trying to find out of anyone is using Prism to publish metadata. (We use Prism to extract data from our source system into the data warehouse.) Our issue at this point is that we have metadata in Prism (which we have a universe to read) and then BusObj also allows “metadata” to be entered in the description fields for each object. We’d like to avoid having users go to 2 places if possible so we’re curious how others have done it.

We’ve also thought about updating the description directly in the repository by running a script to read from Prism tables and update the BO repository table. Are there any consequences to this???

Cori Griswold

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Corrine wrote
We’ve also thought about updating the description directly in the repository by running a script to read from Prism tables and update the BO
repository table. Are there any consequences to this??? ----
We also are planning to do it the same----after talking with hot line this may be the only way!!!
can you share your script???!!!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

According to Prism, their metadata mgt tool is bi-directional. Hereby allowing you to ‘push’ (write/insert, that is) metadata to a particular target as well as read from one.

If you don’t have it (it seems that you don’t), you should get it but it’s kinda pricey.

Corrine wrote
We’ve also thought about updating the description directly in the repository by running a script to read from Prism tables and update the BO
repository table. Are there any consequences to this??? ----
We also are planning to do it the same----after talking with hot line this may be the only way!!!
can you share your script???!!!

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Though a script should work, some things to consider : - Timing … will you create a trigger each time an update is made to metadata or will this be scheduled

  • Mapping … how will the information in the metadata be mapped to a universe (object name, table.column). Each has pros and cons and decisions would be based on your particular implementation of both tools - Repository structural changes … script may / may not still work. Consider repository changes with the next version of BusinessObjects - Volitability of description changes … New tables and new objects added to the universe will have the metadata brought in without the need of a script (use the external strategy Insert|Candidate Objects), therefore, the script would be needed only for existing objects with description changes

Best Regards, Lori S. Furda
Sage Solutions, Inc.

On Thursday, November 05, 1998 11:10 AM, Storm, Susan {IT~Nutley} [SMTP:SUSAN.STORM@ROCHE.COM] wrote:

Corrine wrote
We’ve also thought about updating the description directly in the repository by running a script to read from Prism tables and update the BO
repository table. Are there any consequences to this???

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Cori wrote:
We’ve also thought about updating the description directly in the repository by running a script to read from Prism tables and update the BO
repository table. Are there any consequences to this???

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Alain wrote:
Prism says that their metadat mgt tool is bi-directional…

My manager said that we have the Prism product here, but that it only works
one time and that updates cannot be done!!!and that every BO seminar discusses this!!! and it is a known problem!!! I thought that a script that takes the object definitions from Prism tables and updates the BO repository tables is no big thing to do??? So why doesn’t Prism have this working!!!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


2 months ago we were discussing PRISM and linking it directly to
BusinessObjects through the use of a script. We are now actually
researching if this is possible. Were you guys able to do this? If so, do
you mind sharing the script or anything you have learned about this so far?
My biggest concern is not understanding the repository and exactly what
needs to be updated.

Thanks in advance,
Cori Griswold

“Storm, Susan {IT~Nutley}” SUSAN.STORM@ROCHE.COM on 11/05/98 11:09:59 AM

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

Corinne wrote:
We’ve also thought about updating the description directly in the
repository by running a script to read from Prism tables and update the
repository table. Are there any consequences to this???

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I think before you do major work - look on your install CD In the freeware folder
there might be a bridge for Prism I know there is one for Informatica for doing
just what you are looking to do. I don’t have the disc on me right now - just
think I remember seeing the bridge there.

corinne.griswold@US.PWCGLOBAL.COM wrote:


2 months ago we were discussing PRISM and linking it directly to
BusinessObjects through the use of a script. We are now actually
researching if this is possible. Were you guys able to do this? If so, do
you mind sharing the script or anything you have learned about this so far?
My biggest concern is not understanding the repository and exactly what
needs to be updated.

Thanks in advance,
Cori Griswold

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I think before you do major work - look on your install CD In the freeware
there might be a bridge for Prism I know there is one for Informatica for
just what you are looking to do. I don’t have the disc on me right now -
think I remember seeing the bridge there.>>>>

Unfortunately, this only gives us a universe to access the Prism tables.
There is nothing there to pull Prism info into our BO universe (unless we
are missing something???) FYI to any Prism users – they are not updating
the provided universe for Prism’s latest release (per tech support).
–Cori Griswold

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)