Without going thru all the Pain and investing Time & Resources to build a DB2/Sybase
MANAGERO universe or writing complex scripts, I would rather do the following
- Buy Personal Oracle 7 ($ 1000+)
- Write a script to migrate all the repository data from DB2/Sybase to Personal Oracle7
(Using ODBC… etc.)
- Use the existing Oracle MANAGERO Universe.
If you value time & resources, this is definitely a cheaper solution. BTW, I’m nowhere linked to Oracle or BusinessObjects Corp. Regards
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 23:10:40 EDT
In a message dated 98-06-09 17:12:27 EDT, you write:
Isn’t it possible to simply change it to DB2/whatever
connection you use? I’m not sure if they use something special in the object definitions of the Universe… And if, it should not be too complicated to transform it into Sybase, db2, whatever…
I know it seems like it should be so easy, but it is not. If you woul=
like to convert it to Sybase or DB2 AND have it correctly report the data, I am SURE there would be some very grateful people around here. There are many Oracle specific syntax conventions in the definitions. Furthermore and worse, there are restrictions in the use of outer join=
in both Sybase and DB2 that make proper retrieval of the data much, mu=
more difficult.
This is a difficult issue. Oracle allows enough flexibility with outer jo= ins
and some other features that a rudimentary ManagerO universe is possible.=
say rudimentary because there are still things that are not fully reporte= d
even against an Oracle repository.
Outer joins are one of the biggest issues; Sybase and SQL Server both hav= e a
limitation of only one outer join per table. DB2 for a long time didn’t e= ven
support outer joins, although later versions do.
Standard SQL does not support recursion, which is required to fully parse=
relationships between users and universes (or users and documents, or any= thing
else that can be granted or revoked). Oracle (are you tired of hearing th= is
yet?) does have a recursion feature in the “Connect By” clause. But since=
is non-standard SQL, BusinessObjects does not generate it in their SQL co= de.
One possible solution that I spent the better part of a weekend on was to write generic queries using subsets of the repository tables, and use the BusinessObjects “join” between data providers to show the results. A BusinessObjects data provider “link” is automatically an outer join. If y= ou
are trying to develop reports against a non-Oracle repository then perhap= s
this idea will give you a fresh start.
Another idea that I have toyed with is to again create queries that downl= oad
the basic data (user list, class list, object list, document list, resour= ce
list, etc) into text files, import the data into MS Access and process th= ere.
Yet another idea is to download text files and process / analyze using th= e
file I/O functions of the Business Objects scripting language. In other w= ords,
run basic queries and export to text files. Then using the scripting lang= uage,
process text files and output to new expanded text files. Finally, use th= ese
new (analyzed) text files as a data source for a BusinessObjects report. = Yuk,
maybe, but possible.
None of these solutions are pretty. None of them are possible without a reasonable amount of work. But they are alternatives to creating a full-b= lown
repository universe against a database other than Oracle. And, before you=
I have not completed any of these projects so I can only share my ideas…= . not
a final product.
Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions
Sailesh Thakker
IMO, GE Plastics, Singapore.
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