LOV Window title bar anomoly


Normally, when a user selects the Values button from the Prompt window
and has a list-of-values (LOV) appear, the LOV window contains the field name in the window’s title bar. For example, it reads something like this: “List of Values of Customer”. This is fine.

However, after I migrate the Universe and corresponding Reports from our
Development Repository to our Production Repository, the text in the LOV’s window’s title bar gets confused. For example, from the same report and prompt above, the LOV’s title bar now reads: “List of Values of s_state”, or some other unrelated field.

I’m fairly certain that I am performing the migration between domains correctly.
I am following the procedure as outlined on pp.231-232 of the Designer guide.

This anomoly appears to be a BO bug. Has anyone else encounter similar behaviour. Does any know of a fix?

Thank You,
Guy Johnson

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Rebuilding the prompt in Designer works. I have seen this happen also here with version 4.1.5. I also changed the the text slightly which I present to the user like old:‘Enter citynumber’ to ‘Enter citynumber:’.

Somehow reusing the old one keeps the error in place.


Jan Klaver
DBS Business Solutions

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)