When importing a universe from the Designer module, I get this
LIST OF VALUES - The document domain account is different.
You cannot import your list of values.
I click OK, (the option given), and then get the 'Universe successfully
imported’ message.
Does anyone know what this LOV informational message is trying to tell
and/or how to correct it?
Do you have the same data account for the universe domain and the
document domain ??
The list of values import/export requires that the universe domain and
the document domain must exist on the same data account.
Hope this helps!
I have seen this message in the following situation:
Say your universe has one or more LOV's that are set to 'export with the
universe'. Basically what this means is that the .rep file that generates
the LOV will be sent to the document domain at the time of export, and
imported to the \BusinessObjects\Universe\<unvname.unv> when the user
imports the universe.
If you export the universe to the repository from a machine other than the
one on which those LOV .rep files are stored, the 'pointers' in the
universe to the LOV files will be enabled, but the actual files will not be
available. So, when the universe is imported, BO tries to also import the
LOV files it needs, but they are not there. This is when that error
message comes up, even though the syntax of it seems to have little to do
with the actual problem.
We first encountered this situation when we copied the .unv files to a file
server and exported them from there. We made the mistake of not also
putting the LOV files on that server.
To correct the problem, simply export the universe from a machine where the
necessary LOV files exist. Then, everything should be OK.
Hope this helps,
Jason Beard
Quick correction...the import directory is
I have seen this message in the following situation:
Say your universe has one or more LOV's that are set to 'export with the
universe'. Basically what this means is that the .rep file that generates
the LOV will be sent to the document domain at the time of export, and
imported to the \BusinessObjects\Universe\<unvname.unv> when the user
imports the universe.
If you export the universe to the repository from a machine other than the
one on which those LOV .rep files are stored, the 'pointers' in the
universe to the LOV files will be enabled, but the actual files will not be
available. So, when the universe is imported, BO tries to also import the
LOV files it needs, but they are not there. This is when that error
message comes up, even though the syntax of it seems to have little to do
with the actual problem.
We first encountered this situation when we copied the .unv files to a file
server and exported them from there. We made the mistake of not also
putting the LOV files on that server.
To correct the problem, simply export the universe from a machine where the
necessary LOV files exist. Then, everything should be OK.
Hope this helps,
Jason Beard