LOV Problem

Problem :-

All objects (eg cost center) within our system have their own ID, which is basically an alphanumeric string. We can filter the various fact tables in our data warehouse using these IDs.
This ID is NOT user-friendly and this is causing an issue.Once a user has chosen their cost centers, it is the ID which is displayed in the parameters box. We would like to display the CC Number or Name instead of the ID but continue to use the ID to filter our fact table. How to do this in LOV.

ie . i want display value as CC Name but filter value is ID.

Any thoughts suggestions…

Ajay (BOB member since 2004-03-13)

you have to modify your object id in designer and make a customised love (second tab in object property) . you clik edit and add the CC number object.

after validate, choose export to univer and automatic refresh

after that, when users choose in LOV , they will see ID and CC and choose the right one

bernard timbal :fr: (BOB member since 2003-05-26)

And just remember to keep the cost ID in your LOV, your wish to just display the name is impossible.

jobjoris :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

Do you have a lookup table which maps Cost Center ID to Cost Center Number/Cost Center Name?
If so you can add this table to the universe, join it properly and create a prompt based on that lookup table.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thanks all for prompt reply.

Yes Andreas this is what i am looking for.


Ajay (BOB member since 2004-03-13)