logs & arguments

I’m new to metadata integrator. I’ve recently installed v12.1.1.1 on the same box as my CMS which is also XI rel3.1. However the link on the console doesn’t work, it keeps saying “Could not authenticate using the provided operating system credentials” but when i run on a command line (cmsCollector.cmd “MetadataIntegrator_1” -Xms128m -Xmx512m NO), it seems to work. I say this loosely because despite the dos output saying all is completed, it’s taking a long time to now view the impact and lineage report through the DS console. I also have a number of other questions:

  • How can I capture the log
  • why won’t it run through the console
  • what other arguments (if any) can I use. For example can I run it against a particular universe.

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

sajohal (BOB member since 2008-04-29)

as the error inidcates “Could not authenticate using the provided operating system credentials” the user logon information is missing for the program obejct, the CMS Program Created by Data Services for Metadata Integrator will be created without logon info, to add that do the following

1 - you can set this at CMS level for all program objects, go the CMC Home -> Select Applications, from the list of apps select CMC, from the Action menu select Program Obejct Rigts and enter the default login to use to run the program

2- you can set this at Metadata Integrator program object, double click on the Metadata Integrator configurtion in Data Services folder in CMC, expand the schedule node enter the logon info

Note - the login user and password is your system login (windows) and password not BOE user login

  • How can I capture the log
    The log will be generated in the output server, once the job completes, click on the run date, it will open the log file

  • why won’t it run through the console
    set the logon info as mentioned above, it will run

  • what other arguments (if any) can I use. For example can I run it against a particular universe.
    No, this feature is not available in cmsCollector provided with Data Services

manoj_d (BOB member since 2009-01-02)


I dont have answer for your questions…But i want to learn MEtadata management tool…

Could you please help me out how to view the impact and lineage reports…I let you know what i have done…

First We created one universe in BO Data integrator
1.We configured some Data integrator users(Eg a, b,c etc…) and one BO universe connection(which we created in DI) in BO Metadata management tool…
2. We are trying to see the lineage report for the report created in BO universe…with the objects used in BODI.
Here we can able to view the relationship in lineage report like below

a DI user columns used for creating report

b DI user columns used for creating report

c DI user columns used for creating report

BO Universe conn. columns used for creating report

For Eg. If we delete any of the DI user(Eg a DI user) then the lineage report looks like

b DI user columns used for creating report

c DI user columns used for creating report

BO Universe conn. columns used for creating report

But in the BO data integrator metadata manager tool,Its a native tool of BODI…This tool come with pack of DI itself…

Here we can able to view the relationship between the columns clearly that where it originally coming from and how it is transforming in DI and end target…

Same way i need to view the lineage report in BO metadata mangement tool.Can anyone helps me out for this problem.

Iam sorry if i am confusing with my lengthy post.

Parvatha Kumari

sams_d7 :india: (BOB member since 2007-07-24)

Would be great if someone pointed me to some clear documentation on this topic. I find a lot of text but none really usefull…

pauljrg :belgium: (BOB member since 2011-09-13)