BusinessObjects Board

load Json file to csv file in azure blob storage


I have a requirement to extract Json data from external provider and copy the data to azure blob storage.

Using script I was able to connect and get the json data file and tried to parse the file to csv file. The json has subschemas like items and shipping address. All the columns should get the values into csv file except the items and shipping address where the json data should be copied. I mean these two subschemas should not be parsed but copy the json data. Can this be done in BODS?

Please find the json structure attached. Thanks.

Also can we copy the json file to datawarehouse table in a single column using SAP BODS. All the json data should be copied to a single column in a table. The openrowset is not supported in Azure datawarehouse. Is there a way to load all the json data(as it is) to a single column in datawarehouse table?

Best Regards

mariosuresh (BOB member since 2017-12-31)