linking two queries

I have a question regarding combining two reports into one report by linking on the common field of the two reports.

(D) means Dimensional Object
(M) means Measure object

I have report A created in an universe with fields Order_no(D), Ship_to_name(D), Item_no(D), qty(M), Amount(M) and another report B created with fields Order_no(D), Bill_to_name(D), Invoice_no(D), Item_no(D), Amount(M) in the same universe, but the data provider is a different universe.
Without any problems I am getting the data for these two reports, when I tried to create report C combining these two reports by linking on the Order_no(D). (I am doing the linking of Order_no from report A to report B in the DataManager.) all the objects from report A are available to drag into report C and ONLY the Measure objects in report B are available for me to drag into the report C, all the dimension objects are greyed out.

Do any of you know why all my Dimension objects in report B are greyed out when I try to drag them into report C.??? Did anyone experience this type of problem before.Any help will be much appreciated.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I have had the exact same thing happen to me. I sent my problem out to this list and got it worked out as I explain below. The listers explained why it was like this, but unfortunately I have since changed companies so I don’t have my old email. Maybe someone will remind us. You may want to check on your item no dimension. BO is probably trying to link that one too.

When I had this problem, it seemed to appear that if I was going to have a linked query, I had to link on the dimension object and the other objects had to be either details or measures. Once each query had 1 dimension and it was the linking factor and the other objects were details or measures… everything seemed to work. As to why it is this way, we’ll have to ask for help.
Maria D. Carter
BusinessObjects Developer
(336) 279-2242

I have a question regarding combining two reports into one report by linking
on the common field of the two reports. Without any problems I am getting the data for these two reports, when I
tried to create report C combining these two reports by linking on the Order_no(D). (I am doing the linking of Order_no from report A to report B
in the DataManager.) all the objects from report A are available to drag
into report C and ONLY the Measure objects in report B are available for me
to drag into the report C, all the dimension objects are greyed out.

Do any of you know why all my Dimension objects in report B are greyed out
when I try to drag them into report C.???

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

In a message dated 98-07-16 13:01:49 EDT, you write:

Do any of you know why all my Dimension objects in report B are greyed out
when I try to drag them into report C.??? Did anyone experience this type
problem before.Any help will be much appreciated.


I suggest you do a search of the list archive on this topic. There have been a number of responses to this question before, including one from Timo Elliot (a BusinessObjects representative).

The bottom line is this: when you link queries, you can involve as many dimensions from one query as you like, and only dimensions for the second query that are linked to the first query. You cannot involve any other dimenstions from the second query. The purpose is to prevent invalid report results.

In your case this is correct, as you could have (I am assuming) multiple ship_to customers for a single bill_to customer. This is often the case. If you have a single order (number 100) with three ship to customers and a single bill to customer then your result numbers would be inflated by a factor of 3 (3 ship to - 1 bill to) and would therefore be incorrect.

May I make a suggestion? Create a Master Detail report with two separate data blocks. The Order number should be your master object, with ship to information in one table and bill to information in the other. The resulting report will combine ship to and bill to information by order number without having the problems of trying to place everything in a single block.

Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions See you in Orlando in '98!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)