Large files, Tomcat crashing

I think I know the answer already, but have to ask… What can you do if a user exceeds the XML_MAX_BYTES doing a download to Excel? It seems to crash Tomcat with an out of memory error…

Is there a way to ‘gracefully’ handle this? Currently you have to restart Tomcat / Reboot the server to make BO happy again.

Any suggestions?


bdouglas :switzerland: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

We have a totally unrelated issue and what I was told by the support engineer was that TOMCAT is not all that good at handling large amounts of data and he wanted us to increase the HEAPSIZE (whatever that means). I am waiting for specific instructions, as soon as I confirm them, I will pass it along.

JSanthanam :india: (BOB member since 2003-12-17)