Issues after changing the data source

We have migrated from BO XI3.1 to BO BI 4.1 and now we have some issues after changing the data source of a Web Intelligence document.

When we swapping the Universe, the “new” web intelligence document lose many variables previously defined and also many dimensions defined in report table are removed from the same table.

This happens even if the object’s check is done successfully.

Do you know a workaround or if these behaviour is fixed in SP2-3 ?


AndreaGrossi78 :it: (BOB member since 2014-04-08)

Welcome to B :mrgreen: B!

I believe this is addressed somewhere.

There are links to all fixed issues oper version, here:-

Mak 1 :uk: (BOB member since 2005-01-06)

Probably the bug is fixed on SP3.


Thank you!

AndreaGrossi78 :it: (BOB member since 2014-04-08)