I have installed BO 6.1 on a Windows 2003 machine.
I am trying to build the repository on oracle 8 using the supervisor module.
The schema is created and contains no tables.
I have ran the supervisor and created the Supervisor user, and in the next step I have to select oracle as my network layer, but somehow nothing appears on the drop down.
Oracle client 8i is already installed.
I cannot supply database credentials until this is visible.
Can someone suggest a solution?
I dont think I had a step to select oracle as databse during install.
This is the step on which i am currently stuck and its not showing in drop down.
I have copied the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files
During the software installation, in which you select the components to install, there is a section for Data Access Providers. This includes, Oracle, ODBC, and others.