isnull(drillfilter()) question

Hello I have a drill filters on a webi report and I am trying to determine if the drill filter is null so I can enter another title within the drill filter box.

For example:
If an end user can select various states in a drill filter but hasn’t selected any states I would like to put in “All States”. If they select California, California should show in the box.

Here’s what I tried:

=If(IsNull(DrillFilters([state desc])="true");"All States";DrillFilters([state desc]))

However the isnull(drillfilter()) always returns false.

Any thoughts on how I could try to do this?

zamboni95 (BOB member since 2004-04-07)

one way of doing it is by adding an object “All States” (with ‘All States’ in the Select Clause) and adding this object to the “State” hierarchy as the highest level:
All States - State - City

Then include the function drillfilters() without any parameters onto the body or section of the report , wherever is required.The cell containing the function will display the drill path as per the hierarchy set at the universe level.

Hope this helps!


rpyata (BOB member since 2004-07-24)

Better late than never :wink:
I’ve had to display text in a webi-doc related to choosen drillfilter, incase it was printed.
This is my workaround.

=If(DrillFilters([dimension])="";("Display this when all values");"Even text infront off" + DrillFilters([dimension]))

I also used this same construction to display a target for all values that was different than a selected value, it could not be sum, avg or otherwise calculated from the universe.
There must be a view or table which next to the target has a column with the all target value, make sure that both fields are dimension in the univers.

=If(DrillFilters([dimension])="";[target all values];[target this value])


IngeH :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-22)


Thanks for the help. Agreed, late is better than never. Even though I used a work around, I will use this in the future. :smiley:

Thanks again


zamboni95 (BOB member since 2004-04-07)

Another way
=If(Count([Dimension])>1;“Bla”;“Bla” + [Dimension])

IngeH :netherlands: (BOB member since 2004-06-22)


There is another solution for the same:

=If(IsNull(DrillFilters([state desc])="true");"All States";DrillFilters([state desc])) 

     =If(Length(DrillFilters([state desc])=0);"All States";DrillFilters([state desc]))


palepuravi :india: (BOB member since 2003-10-28)