Is there any way to add all the objects in a universe folder


I have to add about 1200 new objects inside a folder in exisitng univesre.

Can any one please tell me, there is any way i can add all the objects using Business objects feature or any other way to add all the objects at one go in a folder.

Currently, i am adding manually one by one and its really a bad option.

Please help me…

rajeevpandeyis (BOB member since 2008-03-28)

This is a wrong sub forum.
Moderate please move this to Universe Section!

Do you want to move the same folder in same Universe ?

data_guy :us: (BOB member since 2006-08-19)

Yes…Please move it the correct folder.

rajeevpandeyis (BOB member since 2008-03-28)

[Moderator Note: Moved to Semantic Layer / Universe Designer - Jansi]

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Jansi :india: (BOB member since 2008-05-12)

Where are the objects coming from? In other words, how are you adding them now? If they’re coming from a set of tables, you can simply drag the table from the structure side over to the classes and objects area and objects will automatically be created for every column in the table.

Alternatively you can set up Designer so that every time you add a new table to the universe, all columns from that table are automatically going to generate objects. Then all you have to do is clean up, meaning rename whatever needs renaming, and move things into the proper classes.

I know you’re not putting 1200 objects into one class, right? :wink:

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Thanks Dave.

The objects are there in the excel sheet with their definiton information. The source defintion are there in the sheet.

Yes there are class and subcalss define for each objects. But the object name not matched with the column of the tables.

I am looking for some option to use the excel sheet and add these objects in new test universe and then drag it to exisitng universe.

I am using BO XI version.

Please help…

rajeevpandeyis (BOB member since 2008-03-28)


I presume that you have all your class and object details in the excel sheet and want to create the classes and objects for the items presented in the excel.? if my Presumption is right, then its not possible to create in the universe. There may be a chance to create by using macro.


looksmee :uk: (BOB member since 2006-02-08)

Yes Siva… You are right. I have all the information of new class,subclass and objects in an excel sheet.

I will be looking for some knid of macro useing which i can create these new objects in some knid of test universe and then drag it to existing univese.

Please share the macro if you have.

Can anyone please provide me the macro which help in adding new objects from the excel sheet to Desginer Universe…

I have seen macros for updating mass objects information in the forum but not for adding new objects.


rajeevpandeyis (BOB member since 2008-03-28)


I found a macro work’s for you in the forum…I beleive it’ll help you.


looksmee :uk: (BOB member since 2006-02-08)

Thanks Siva. Its really helpful …

Thanks again.

rajeevpandeyis (BOB member since 2008-03-28)