Hi all,
I know most of requierments mentioned below are not possible directly in WEBI, we need some kind of SDK. But wanted to confirm with the gurus. And if any of the mention thing is possible directly in WEBI or with a work around please help me out. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
All of the requirements are for Webi.
Synchronize drills on multiple tabs (Reports) in Webi Document.
If a user is drilling one of the report tabs in Webi, there should be simultaneous drill on other tabs. So when user clicks on other tab he should be on same level of hierarchy. -
Hierarchy list on left side of Webi report for quick drills (up/down/by).
User needs list of dimension objects in hierarchical order on left side of webi report for user to click on it for drill (up/down/by). -
Same Y axis for Bar and Line in Vertical Bar and Line charts.
In Vertical Bar and Line chart, vertical bar and lines should be on a single y axis. So that line acts like a target for vertical bars. -
Reset button to restore default view of Webi report after drills (up/down/by) and filtering.
User needs a reset button on webi report which will restore webi report to default view after multiple drills and filtering, so that user does not have to hit back button. Drills should not start on duplicate report. -
Different Drill hierarchy for different report tabs in a webi Document.
Adding new table or removing existing table from Webi report depending on level of hierarchy.
When drilling from one level to another level, additional information about that level should be added to the report or removed. E.g. while drilling down form team to a particular associate additional information about associate should be added. -
On screen refresh of webi report periodically.
User need not click the refresh button to get latest data, for a report which is kept open on the screen for long time. -
Changing color of Grouped bar/stacked bar chart.
Changing the default color of grouped bar chart should not change all bars to one color.
Hope I explained it clearly. Any help is highly appreciated.
Faas (BOB member since 2004-02-24)