Is it OK to use Supervisor 4.1.5 against V5 repository for


I have upgraded one of our Repositories from version 4 to version 5. We still use version 4 Reporter client software as well as version 2.5 WebI against this repository. There’s nothing wrong with that, as we all know. However, I also access the upgraded version 5 repository with Supervisor version 4.1.5. Please note that I am careful to only use 4.1.5 to do simple operations such as adding users, resetting passwords, etc…, using version 5 for the more complicated operations. Obviously I can use version 5 for the simple operations as well, but it is only deployed on a few client machines. So far I have not experienced any problems here.

We are about to upgrade another, more important repository, to version 5. This repository has a number of Supervisors restricted to only doing “simple operations” such as creating users, resetting their passwords, adding them to groups, etc… Now, I want to delay the deployment of version 5 Supervisor module, for this user base, until they are instructed to use the version 5 Reporter module.

So my two related questions are:

Is it valid (although unsupported) to do use version 4.1.5 Supervisor against a version 5 repository to do simple operations such as creating users, resetting their passwords, adding them to groups, etc…?

Has any out there experienced any problems with using Supervisor version 4.1.5 against a version 5 repository (for these “simple operations”… i.e. not for operations such as scanning the Security Domain or anything like that)?


Daniel Williams.
Lucent Technologies.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

mple operations?

Here are my thoughts on your question:

  1. The way users are being set etc… does not change in v5 2. User rights on application level HAVE changed and thus you really need Supervisor v5

If you have WebI deployed then I am sure that you want to limit the rights of certain users. To avoid any problems, use the Supervisor v5 instead of 4.1.3


Maarten Van Laere
__________________________________________________ Netmining NV/SA -

mySupervisor - administrate via the web your BO users more info at __________________________________________________

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

simple operations?

Hi Daniel,
I have the exact same setup and have not had any problems. I have not upgraded the Supervisor Module for our Help Desk yet, while the repository has been upgraded.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)