'Internal memory error during SQL generation' (BO 6.5)

Hi all,

We migrated the repository from 5.1.2 to 6.5 recently, including the universe, reports.

When we send our reports to BCA (refresh, save as excel), system shows the error message as ‘Internal memory error during SQL generation’. And we checked the error log, which shows ‘after corba call’ … … ‘OLE/COM error in closing document’. But this error is not for all, just some. I don’t know why some are succeeded but others failed. It’s very strange.

We are using oracle 9i as the repository database and data warehouse. Who can tell me how to solve it.

Best Regards
Jeff Zhu

jeffzhu4 (BOB member since 2004-06-19)

Are u a Beta tester site of 6.5. ?

If yes would you please shed some info on O/S and Platform support for Business Objects

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

Hi Gupta,

Our OS is windows 2000 server (sp4) and platform is apache2.0 + tomcat 4.1, and we save the repository in oracle 9i2.

Best Regards
Jeff zhu

jeffzhu4 (BOB member since 2004-06-19)

Hi Gupta,

This full error message is ‘(109) Internal memory error during SQL generation: (QP0002) [])’

Please help!

Best Regards
Jeff Zhu

jeffzhu4 (BOB member since 2004-06-19)

I’m assuming it’s a full client report…

I’d first of all check that if you run the busobj on the server you can refresh the same report - if you can’t then it’s either…

  1. Data Access pack problems
  2. The SQL Generation is wrong - check the SQL from the Data Providers - can this be run through SQL plus (you’ll need to replace any prompts with the values you’re entering)

Is this for all reports? Are they all based on the same universe? Have you tried opening them in full client and re-sending them to BCA?

Not sure how much any of this will help, but it’s worth having a look at…



mart (BOB member since 2004-02-10)


I am using full client to generate some reports connected to Informix, I have some reports which I run on scheduled basis, perviously these reports were made on BO 6.1b where these reports runs smoothly :smiley: but now I am trying to upgrade these reports to BO 6.5 where some reports throws “Internal memory error during SQL generation” when I try to refresh them and also not able to edit & save these reports.

I am not understanding why this peoblem is occuring, I checked docs which says this problem is because of less memory, but this can’t be the reason in my case.

Help me…

Nitin :nonod:

nitinkg :india: (BOB member since 2005-03-09)

Wow, I had no idea 6.5 even supported Informix.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I have Found the cause of problem i.e.
in my reports I have used “Matches Pattern” [LIKE operator] in 6.1b which is not there in 6.5 may be I am on beta version or some other reason.

can some one tell me the other way round to get rid of this issue.

nitinkg :india: (BOB member since 2005-03-09)