Internal Error: Missing sEntry parameter (Error: INF

we are having issues with webi reports and prompts.If we crreate a new reports with prompt on it it fails with error messag"Internal Error: Missing sEntry parameter (Error: INF ".I don’t see any issue with reports with out prompts.

I can refresh full client report with prompt with out issues.So it only happenns with webi reports with prompts.Did any one experienced similar type of issue?

Any help would be appreciated.


sreekotta (BOB member since 2005-09-27)

So, if I understood, you have a Business Object document (.rep) with prompt, that right refresh con client workstation, but the same document doesn’t refresh on Webi 6.? portal, with error inf you specified.

If so, I ask you:

  • Do you try to leave refresh on open, and try to refresh manually on the web? (this was a bug of 6.1.0 release)
  • Do you tried to exclude some prompt, to see if it’s a problem for a specific or for any prompt?
  • The prompts are designed on BO or on Designer?
  • In how many time the report is refreshed in Bo Client ? if long, can be a timeout error, so lets try to reduce temporarly the query criteria


v.pisano :it: (BOB member since 2005-03-09)

we don’t see any issue with refreshing full client reports in infoview.We only see issue with reports created in webi with prompts.

Hope this helps

sreekotta (BOB member since 2005-09-27)

By the way we are on E651,WEBSPHERE and Oracle 9i

sreekotta (BOB member since 2005-09-27)

Hi, I’m actually facing the same issues with nearly the same versions.
I’m running: WEBI 6.5.2, WEBSPHERE and Oracle 9i

The more i look at this issue, the more i feel its a configuration issue.

We don’t face the issue running the application on APACHE/TOMCAT (locally installed on BO Server for installation validation and admin purpose)

We don’t even face the problem when testing the WEBI part using the Websphere Studio Application Developper built-in server.

The issue is only showing up when we are calling application on Websphere server.

Do you manage a way out of this problem yet?
If not I will let you know what we will found here.


ecophil :belgium: (BOB member since 2005-11-02)

Hi everyone,

I’m having the same problem (Internal Error: Missing sEntry parameter (Error: INF)) with the same configuration (WEBI 6.5.2, WEBSPHERE 5.1 and Oracle 9i).

Did anyone find the solution?

Thanks in advance,


pregap (BOB member since 2005-09-15)

Hi Paco,

Welcome to the club.
In my company,we are still looking actively for a solution in collaboration with BO consulant. As soon as I have information, I will share them here. If you figure out the reason before just keep us informed. I think we are not the only ones facing the trouble.


ecophil :belgium: (BOB member since 2005-11-02)

Hi Philippe,

thank you very much for your response. We have tried some new configurations and we’re still getting the same message.

Our new configuration is the following:
- Machine 1: WEBI 6.5.2 over Windows 2003 Server. Microsoft Access Database (instead of Oracle)
- Machine 2: Websphere 5.1

We have another enviroment with WEBI and Websphere on the same machine (AIX) and the same problem occurs.


pregap (BOB member since 2005-09-15)


I think that Oracle is not the source of the problem. The research I made till now conforts me in the idea that this is a websphere server configuration issue.

We have done the following to install wijsp:
0) Standard install on a machine with apache/Tomcat. The wijsp was running fine all reports. As we need to customize it and install the final version on a Websphere 5 server. Then…

  1. We use the wdeploy to generate the ear file for wijsp
  2. Import the ear file in a Websphere Studio Application Developper workspace.
  3. Validation tests have been performed using my local machine with the built-in websphere server from WSAD. All the stuff is running fine. Prompts on webi reports, etc…
  4. Export the working projects to a new ear file using standard export feature from WSAD.
  5. Deployment of ear file on our development websphere machine (application server) (note: Apache is used as Webserver)

The error occurs after filling the prompts and directly after hitting the [Run Query] button. I have compared the generated html page with the prompts. The HTML code generated by the jsp is exactly the same using DEV websphere and local websphere server.

Seeing that, I have turned on all trace and debug of the wijsp in order to get a trace of what’s going on. Our datawarehouse team is also monitoring what’s happening on the Business Objects engine. I hope that using a little our brain will finally spark an idea of what’s running square there. I will keep you informed.

How did you perform your installation?
Using standard BO tools?

We have to remove a few stuff from the standard distro to avoid killing the websphere server at deployment time (we removed part of the help files as well as all the installation package for the full BO client) Our ear file now weights +/- 40Mb.


ecophil :belgium: (BOB member since 2005-11-02)


the sequence of steps we followed to install the application is the same you did. We tried to generate ear file with wdeploy and without it too, and the same problem occurs.

We installed it four times and using different machines and the error is still there.

Only one annotation: We don’t have a separated webserver (we use WAS as webserver and J2EE server), so de problem is not there too.

What we’ll try now is to look in the jsp and java code to get a more detailed idea about what’s happening.

I will inform you about the results.


pregap (BOB member since 2005-09-15)


finally we got a response from Business Objects Support.

What they said is that they probed WebIntelligence over WAS release and it ran fine, but not over (the las release at this moment). Business Objects certifies that WebItelligece runs over WAS 5.1.X.X so they have to repair it (at least that’s what our contact said to us).

Note: we have an enviroment over WAS and it works fine.

hope this helps you,

pregap (BOB member since 2005-09-15)


Latest news about this issue. I called support at BO yesterday. They opened a case for my issue and it seems that the problem is known. A Hotfix has been made for WebIntelligence 6.5.1. It is Hotfix 1283.

The issue has its origin in a problem regarding Heap on application server.
They also said that the cumulative fix 13 may solve the issue.

As we are running Web Intelligence 6.5.2, they are curently checking if the Hotfix 1283 designed for v6.5.1 can be applied without side effect on a 6.5.2 version. They told me they will get in touch with me to tell me the result.

I will keep you informed about the result. The guy at the phone found this solution because he has already got the problem for another customer.

Maybe it was you… :lol:

ecophil :belgium: (BOB member since 2005-11-02)

Hi all,

This little note to let you know that the Hotfix has solved
The issue. It has been confirmed by BO that it can be used over a 6.5.2 without trouble.

I have compared the 6.5.2 “wdeploy-generated” ear and the 6.5.2+Hotfix 1283 "wdeploy-generated"ear file. There are only a handful of file which are affected. But I dont know if there is more modification done on the BO server side as it is not in my hand (We have a data-warehouse team that performs the BO installs and fixes on server side).


ecophil :belgium: (BOB member since 2005-11-02)

Additional information:
For BusinessObjects 6.5.2 the problem is fixed with CHF22

green-cater-ham (BOB member since 2006-04-12)

Hi All

Even i am facing the same issues. that is when i refresh the webi reports its giving me Sentry error. However im able to refresh the report in Edit mode
im not getting error when referesh the full client report

Can anyone help me how to solve this issue?

Ajithsankar (BOB member since 2008-10-19)

I had this issue in a report that had “#” in the query prompt. When I removed the “#” symbol from the prompt, this error went away and the report ran correctly.

Ann Moody (BOB member since 2014-07-14)