Is there someone who has a step by step how to install BO sucsessfully on citrix. Or what to be ware of?. We have created a login script that will check if users have their own subdirectory on the server, and if they do not have their own subdirectory, one will be created. The script should then insert a fresh copy of the BOMain.lsi file into each of the user subdirectories. But when we login to BO this error occurs: Cannot access network layer (USR0046) And when I looked into this error it means that it can’t find odbc.sbo.
We currently use both a LAN for normal PCs and a Citrix server farm supporting T20 terminals over MetaframeXP. We use BO over Citrix but purely for reporting purposes via the WEBI server. We’ve had no problems with users saving documents to their personal area on the server. I’m not sure if that helps your question, but I hope so!
Be aware that when developing reports using full client there are issuse with copy and paste. It will kill the full client session. You have to create from scratch most cells. If you try to copy format it kills the session. You can copy a table with the ctrl tab key strokes. There is a piece of software that needs to be run on the Citrix box that states it fixes the problem. I never ran the software. I found the fix it on this site (search for Citrix).
Hi Synnøve,
We have a big stable BO environment running on citrix metaframe Xp for past 5 yrs.
We have script which create user docs folder for each user as they log in Business Objects. We have shared ( residing on citrix server) Universe and locdata folder and separate user docs folder for each user.
Now you can either have locdata folder for each user or sigle shared one on the server. In any case there is no need tocopy the BoMain.lsi file.
You need to simply have BOmain.key file in locdata folder.
Middleware will be residing on the Citrix server.
Now you can have cut/paste issue with citrix if you dont apply Bo patch. Actually BO 5.16 is the 1st verison supported in citrix.
To solve your problem :-
Log on to citrix server and check database connectivity.
Do not copy any .lsi file in locdata folder. (Only BOMain.key is required)
Try to log in
What verison of Citrix , BO, OS and Data base you using.
Wel, the thing is that we are trying to install bo 6.1.b. I know that it isn’t supported. But we will try to make it work. It went well on 6.1 but there was to many bugs in this release that we decided to wait for bugfixes.
If it won’t work we have to try 5.1.6
Our DB is Sybase IQ
We have installed middelware on the server
To reach the repository we have installed Sybase Open client. Bomain.key uses SybaseOpen client.
To reach the DB we have installed Adaptive Server IQ client
And the connection’s are ok…
I didn’t do this installation because we have outsoursed all application installations.
And I can’t see the test server.
In my personal directory I can see this:
Business Objects 6.0
locdata (bomain.key)
(but not DataAccess) I don’t know if this one is hidden or if isn’t installed. I tried to copy from my local installation this DataAccess folder, but I get the same error.
My Business Objects Documents
I am not sure where you are with this problem, but I designed, built, and supported a Citrix environment which ran BO on it long before BO even supported it. In fact, started out with WinFrame if that rings a bell. I wrote a document years ago on all the problems and what it took to fix. This started back in 1998. I created automated scripts for creating directory structures, created application compatibility scripts, registry hacks for fixes and performance improvements. This work was at a large corporation with about 9 servers in the farm.
If you still need any help I am sure I can help and would be happy to do so. Let me know.
Do you have access to the Citrix server. if yes then log on to the server and then see whether you are able to connect to repository database from it.
If you are able to connect to it then try to create a BOmain key file through recovery process using supervisor.
or try one more thing. Do not put any Bomain.key file on the server. So BO will allow you to log in. Then Create a free hand sql report using a connection to the repository.
By doing this We can ensure BO Data Access Layers are working and BO is able to reconize the repository
I got same issue yesterday. Errror is cannot access network layer.
I tried to open bo without specifying any .key file in locdata folder. It’s opened but I am unable to connect to repository database. when i try to create connection in designer with oracle client. error is comming like Unable to access database , I dont remember exactly.
But another machine i tried to connect and i got success.