Jonathan wrote:
Has anyone written any installation scripts for BusObj (on NT) so that the
modules to be installed can be controlled? eg A script for only installing
Reporter or one for Reporter and Explorer and Designer but not Supervisor
etc. What I’m looking for is something that can be made available to users
to run themselves without giving them the normal ‘From’ - ‘To’ installation
dialogs in the Wizard ie. basically a completely automated install covering
installation paths/directories etc.
This is what we use:
NAL is a program that comes with Novell Zenworks, which is our network operating system. Without going into great detail, the program first takes a snapshot of the local hard drive. Then the application is installed per the installation instructions. Then the program takes another snapshot of the local drive. It records the any changes made on the local drive, including registry settings. The resulting changes are then used to install the application to other machines as needed.
There are other programs that do the same thing. One that I know of is called Winstall. Zenworks comes with the Novell Operating system and only works on Novell clients. I’m not sure about Winstall.
Hope this helps.
Alice Harper
UnonBay Sportswear
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)